"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air" said Ralph Waldo Emerson, me and everyone I know……

The Summer of 2011, I gave some friends and family a camera, a playlist of 10 songs, and asked them to document their summer, then send back the camera and I would  make a video scrapbook of our moments, Our universal experiences in "one". My mother was going through chemotherapy and I wanted to help take her mind off of the hurt and focus on a fun project that many people were participating on- maybe I was actually trying to work through my own hurt. We lived on opposite coasts and we came to visit her in the summertime. This video is the beginning of the film,  and the end(second video) of the video album(the amazing music  of Karen O from where the wild things are, Spike Jonze,Thao, and Beirut.) ,we  didn't know it then but this was my mom and dads last summer.

Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

golden barbie

sunrise lips.jpg



barbe Ondrea.jpg

Virginie Millefiori Jewelry

click here to visit.

and we dream and we dream and we dream..........

ondrea and justin.jpg

kiss, love, sparkle, summer loving......loveislove is love is love, never stop kissing...